October 17, 2016
Australian music legend John Williamson drew a big crowd in Collie on Wednesday as he diverted from his Australian tour to play for the community, which has been buffeted by Lanco Griffin Coal’s attempts to slash pay and impose a FIFO-style roster on local workers.
October 10, 2016
On Friday September 30, close to 50 metal workers gathered at XLT Training in Bibra Lake to take part in a live welding challenge. The event was put together as a way to bring local welders and boilermakers together, and to also film for a new video and global welding challenge.
October 06, 2016
Over the past couple of months we have seen an escalation in conflict between workers and employers around Australia. In the West we have had a continuation of the Griffin Coal maintenance dispute in Collie, while Alcoa is also now trying to cut jobs and remove secure employment from local South-West and southern metro communities.
October 05, 2016
85 ALS workers have won a decent new agreement after hardball employer tactics wilted in the face of sustained union solidarity last month.
October 03, 2016
They are highly skilled, reliable and resourceful. They are always there when we need them, dedicated to their craft and motorists in need. And now our 80 RAC Patrol members can add sticking together to win a solid new Enterprise Agreement to their bag of tricks, as it was voted up today 51-22 after nine months of tough negotiation.
September 28, 2016
Mick Murray MLA is a former underground mineworker and AMWU shop steward. He is now Member for Collie-Preston and a Shadow Minister. He has spent a lifetime fighting for the working people of Collie and the South-West. This is his take on the ongoing conflict between the coal industry and employees. "The decision to slash Griffin Coal mine maintenance workers’ wages by a massive 43 per cent has sent shockwaves through my community and raised fears a dangerous new precedent may have been set for the viability of EBAs throughout the country.
September 19, 2016
Last Thursday 500 AMWU members directly employed on Alcoa World's Western Australian mines and refineries walked off the job in response to the global mining giant’s proposed maintenance Enterprise Agreement. Hundreds of AMWU tradespeople gathered at Pinjarra Oval to discuss the offer before unanimously endorsing a resolution to reject the global multinational’s proposal which would outsource permanent jobs and undermine economic security for hundreds of local families.
September 06, 2016
The joint leadership of the Western Australian AMWU, ETU and CFMEU, along with families of FIFO workers have condemned the Barnett Government’s failure to implement the recommendations of the bi-partisan Parliamentary inquiry into the Impact of FIFO Work Practices on Mental Health as they presented a petition calling for urgent change to Parliament.
August 19, 2016
The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) has commended the Member for Collie Mick Murray for his show of support in Parliament yesterday, of workers at the Premier coal mine in Collie, and condemned Treasurer Mike Nahan for refusing to intervene in wage negotiations that will see workers cop pay cuts of up $50,000.
August 16, 2016
The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) is extremely concerned about the mental health of Griffin workers’ in the aftermath of the unprecedented Fair Work Commission decision to cancel the Griffin Coal Maintenance Enterprise Agreement, and hand Lanco the power to reduce maintenance workers pay by 43 percent.
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