Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Asbestos free future

Asbestos free future

Everyone deserves an asbestos free future.

Did you know that globally:

More than 100,000 people die each year from asbestos-caused cancer?

Every 5 minutes someone dies from asbestos related disease?

2 million tonnes of asbestos are still mined and exported annually.

Sign the petition to support a global asbestos ban - no more mining, no more export and trade, and no more use in buildings and products.

If you've had a personal experience with asbestos, you can tell us your story here. 


Who's signing

Caitlin Miller
Jamie Alen
Owen Ash
Richard Smith
Dino Ottavi
Chris Gracie
Bronwen English
Micheal Holden
Stephen Wise
Maurece Newman
Stefano Sciglitano
Jamie Fehser
Bertram Little
Stephen Roughley
Fernando Anaya
Phil Boyle
Peter Callaway
Ethan Cuppari
Caron Psssmore
Deborah Nicholls
Katie Hepworth
Guillermo Lunardi
Don Greer
Katy Bell
James Leigh
Gerard Spinks
Gary Viney
Glenn Bamford
Todd Willcox

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