Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Maintain Our Forces

Maintain Our Forces

Respect Defence Workers: Cuts Could Kill 

Our uniformed Defence Forces rely on a 'silent army' of civilian workers to support them. 

An 'army' of engineering and technical workers spend every day at work making sure that the equipment used by our armed forces is working, is safe and is ready to go. 

But a lack of planning and investment means that jobs are being shed, and skills are not being replaced. 

Already, we are starting to face a shortage of these vital workers - and those that are left are being stretched thin.

To safeguard national security, Australia needs a civilian workforce capable of designing and maintaining a variety of military equipment.

These skills, knowledge and experience needs to be preserved into the future. 

Join us in calling on the Government to invest in Defence skills and Respect Defence Workers. 

Show your support by:

Signing the petition below. 

And remember to share your support on social media with your friends and help spread the word. 

Who's signing

Simom Atama Wilkinson
Philip Tung
David Emmerson
Mathew Kelly
Jon Cartwright
Sharyn Goggin
Andrew Stanley
Nicholas Withoos
Brent Steggall
Scott Purton
Jordan Abbott
Liam Smith
George Nixon
Gary Gleeson
Blair Crook
Jamal Hassan
Julian Randall
Warren Melling
Filippo Gnugnoli
David Highet
Terry Lannan
Robert Charlesworth
David O'Brien
Tony Cvetkovski
Ruairidh Bevan
John Kranz
Zane Parker
David Bradbury
Peter Burns
Andrew Dul

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