Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Media releases

Media releases

October 09, 2014

Simplot Members Keep Fighting for a Fair Go

Simplot Members Keep Fighting for a Fair Go

Members at Simplot are being advised to ignore the company’s scaremongering as “not worth a hill of beans” as they continue their campaign to get a fair deal and secure jobs in both NSW and Tasmania.

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September 26, 2014

Show of Unity Defeats Ugly Display

Show of Unity Defeats Ugly Display

AMWU members whose expertise keeps food fresh and presentable in your local supermarket have stood firm against distasteful tactics from a new American employer.

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September 25, 2014

Korean Free Trade Deal risks Australian Jobs

Korean Free Trade Deal risks Australian Jobs

Although not passed through the Senate yet, the Korean-Australian Free Trade Agreement, known as KAFTA, is poised to be green lighted and this is real cause for concern for Australian jobs and industry.

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September 11, 2014

Save Our Jobs - Shipbuilders Rally in Adelaide

Save Our Jobs - Shipbuilders Rally in Adelaide

More than 1500 workers walked off the job on Tuesday at ASC in Adelaide to attend a mass meeting on the future of their jobs and the Australian shipbuilding industry. They were joined by AMWU National Secretary Paul Bastian and Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

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September 10, 2014

Union Helps Future Print Jobs

Union Helps Future Print Jobs

Union member Kanwar Sandhu is among 194 new apprentices pressing ahead into a hi-tech future as the AMWU-backed Future Print training program continues to exceed its targets.

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September 09, 2014

Local Jobs Cut from Train Tender

Local Jobs Cut from Train Tender

Job creation under Victoria’s Napthine Government looks to have suffered another blow with a local Ballarat train manufacturer cut out of the tender for 25 of the state’s new passenger trains.

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September 04, 2014

Moura Members Pitch in for Kids' Soccer

Moura Members Pitch in for Kids' Soccer

Plenty of goals will continue to be scored by the kids off the perfect playing pitches at Moura Rangers Football Club in Queensland thanks to AMWU members.

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August 29, 2014

Union Combats Mail Service Slashing

Union Combats Mail Service Slashing

The AMWU was part of a delegation to Canberra this week warning of the devastating impact if Australia Post implements proposals to cut the frequency and increase the prices of letter deliveries. National Print Secretary Lorraine Cassin joined the meetings with MPs out of concern that ending daily mail deliveries threatens 400 members’ jobs in mail clearance houses. These workers handle the sending millions of letters each year. 

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August 29, 2014

Victorious AusReo Workers Thank Comrades

Victorious AusReo Workers Thank Comrades

AMWU members at Ausreo locked out for 10 weeks walked back through the gates with their heads held high on Monday after successfully securing a new deal.

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August 28, 2014

Abbott Ships Policy Takes Multiple Hits

Abbott Ships Policy Takes Multiple Hits

The AMWU’s shipbuilding membership this week turned the spotlight on the Abbott Government’s  strategy  to abandon its election pledge that Australians will build our next generation of submarines. National Secretary Paul Bastian called out the Government for quietly moving towards building the 12 submarines offshore instead of at the Australian Submarine Corporation in Adelaide as it promised.

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