July 05, 2019
After a 2 year long running dispute at Esso facilities with Esso Contractor UGL/MTCT, an agreement has been reached between UGL/MTCT and the AWU, AMWU, ETU and members in order to bring an end to the long running dispute. The AMWU are incredibly proud of our members for their determination to see this through, 24 hours a day, seven days a week since this dispute began, enduring all forms of harsh weather, sticking up for what they believed in no matter what challenges arose.
June 25, 2019
The International Labour Organisation marked its centenary by establishing a new global standard to combat violence and harassment in the workplace.
June 14, 2019
MEDIA RELEASE | THURSDAY 13 JUNE 2019 In a historic result this week, AMWU members along with ETU and RTBU members have won a 36-hour working week in the rolling stock EBA with Yarra Trams. Voting closed on Wednesday with a vote of 78% to accept the new agreement which sees the working week shortened from 38 hours to 36 hours.
April 29, 2019
Over the past 2 years we’ve seen hundreds of thousands of people march through the streets of Melbourne and other major cities to Change the Rules, to demand that the Federal Government stop playing politics with our lives, and to fix the broken industrial relations system.. We need to change the Government. We need to Change the Rules. To do this, every Australian worker needs you to use your vote wisely, and vote for the only party that is putting workers first, the Australian Labor Party.
April 18, 2019
Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don't die of mystery ailments, or in tragic "accidents". They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn't that important a priority. International Workers' Memorial Day (IWMD) commemorates those workers. This year, International Workers' Memorial Day will be observed on Monday April 29th.
March 18, 2019
Friday night saw a great turnout of members, delegates, other unions and supporters coming together to raise money for Molly Osborne.
October 26, 2018
The AMWU welding campaign has hit new heights in recent months thanks to the union’s welding test centre certifying more members than ever and improving standards in the industry leading to more work for our qualified metalworker members.
October 24, 2018
After almost 11 long weeks of action, Tip Top workers have secured a massive win in their battle for a fair EBA.
October 03, 2018
Free TAFE courses From 1 January 2019, 30 TAFE courses and 20 pre-apprenticeship courses will be free under a reelected Andrews Labor Victorian Government. Free TAFE courses will enable more students and young Victorian workers to get the skills and experience you need to get a job. More than ever, the skills we need to build our state are learned at TAFE. For the full list of Free TAFE courses go to: www.freetafe.vic.gov.au
October 01, 2018
140 AMWU members at Note Printing Australia (NPA) are celebrating after they emerged victorious from their battle to win a fair enterprise agreement. After almost three months of protected action, the workers won: five days of standalone domestic and family violence leave; casual conversion changes including instantaneous conversion to permanent work for some long-term casual workers; improved consultation on contractors; and a wage rise per year for the three year agreement.
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