Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Apprentices - Know your Rights

Apprentices are the future of our union and the industries we cover. The AMWU wants all apprentices to complete their apprenticeships, be treated with respect at work, and find good, secure jobs once their training is complete.

Know your rights as an apprentice

  • Employers must allow apprentices to attend all scheduled training sessions.
  • You cannot be left alone or work unsupervised as an apprentice.
  • An apprenticeship contract can only be varied or cancelled by agreement of both the apprentice and employer after the probation period.
  • Your employer must reimburse you for the cost of your courses and textbooks.
  • If you’re older than 21, you are classified as an adult apprentice and entitled to higher rates of pay.
  • As an apprentice you cannot be fired for exercising a workplace right or refusing to work in unsafe conditions.


Getting through your apprenticeship

You advance through your apprenticeship by completing the required competencies outlined under your training plan. If your employer is not providing you with time to complete your training requirements, give the union a call.

Once you complete your apprenticeship, your employer is not obligated to continue your employment unless you are a pre-existing employee. That’s why it’s important to ask your employer what they intend to do after you complete your apprenticeship.

How the union can help

If you are ever unsure of your rights at work, call the AMWU Helpdesk on 1300 732 698.

Keen to learn more? Join our NSW/ACT Apprentice Facebook group

Sign Up A Mate 

Help to grow the AMWU's apprentice membership by signing up an apprentice or trainee at your workplace. If you register HERE, we'll send you a $50 gift voucher!


  • Members must be financial. 
  • Apprentices must enrol in payroll deduction or pay via direct debit. 


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