March 30, 2022
MARCH 30, 2022 – The Coalition Government has again failed to take any action to ensure that wages keep up with the rising costs of living and has made no commitment in its’ Budget to making and maintaining things here, the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) say.
March 04, 2022
MARCH 4, 2022 – Workers from Victorian wind tower manufacturer Keppel Prince and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) are gathered outside GrainCorp in Portland harbour to protest the arrival of imported wind towers that have already cost 40 workers their jobs and have left another 100 workers facing uncertainty.
January 17, 2022
JANUARY 17, 2022 – The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union calls for urgent workplace action in response to the coalition Government’s failure to keep working people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a national workplace and workforce crisis, with record numbers of workers sick, isolating and unable to work.
December 17, 2021
DECEMBER 17, 2021 – Workers at global packaging manufacturing giant GPI in Melbourne have reached an in-principle agreement today that will see the lowest paid workers receive a nearly 8 per cent pay rise over two-and-a half years, receive back pay until June this year, a casual conversion labour hire clause and commitment to a classification structure review over the life of the agreement.
December 16, 2021
DECEMBER 16, 2021 – The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) is renewing a call for government commitment to local content in all wind farm and renewables projects after it’s been revealed there are major cracks in wind towers imported for Australian’s largest wind farm.
December 10, 2021
DECEMBER 10, 2021 – A successful union and industry-backed program designed to support workers’ mental health and prevent suicide will be expanded to the manufacturing sector, providing evidence-based assistance for those in need.
October 28, 2021
OCTOBER 28, 2021 – It’s been revealed the Federal Government are dumping another ship build in Western Australia - a decision it made in secret, behind closed doors.
October 21, 2021
OCTOBER 21, 2021 – The federal government’s decision to end Covid-19 Disaster payments after states reach the 80% vaccination target will cause real harm, the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union NSW & ACT (AMWU) says.
October 21, 2021
OCTOBER 21, 2021 – The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union are celebrating the announcement 65 new trains will be built at a new train manufacturing facility at Torbanlea, 25 kilometres north-west of Maryborough creating up to 800 new jobs and securing thousands more jobs across regional supply chains in Queensland.
October 13, 2021
OCTOBER 13, 2021 – A proposal to abolish a workplace exposure standard (WES) for welding fumes will leave workers at greater risk of exposure to the unknown deadly cocktail of welding fumes.
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