Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Statewide All Unions Delegates Mass Meeting: Change the Rules

On Tuesday 25 September, thousands of delegates from all unions and industries will come together for the Change the Rules State-Wide Union Delegates Mass Meeting.

When:      10am Tuesday 25 September

Where:    Melbourne Convention Centre – 1 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf, Melbourne

AMWU members will assemble inside the Convention Centre lobby from 9.15am. Look for the AMWU flags and banner.

Will you attend the Change the Rules State-Wide Delegates Mass Meeting? RSVP below! 


The rally and mass meeting earlier this year were only the first step. With the Federal election around the corner, we need to roll up our sleeves and change the rules so that people can have more secure jobs, our workers rights can be enforced, we can win fair pay rises, and make sure that working people are put first, not big business.

The rules are broken.

It’s time for us to change the rules!

RSVP to the mass meeting below, and make sure all of your site delegates are coming as well.

If you have any issues getting released to attend the mass meeting, please contact your organiser or phone the union on 9230 5700.


September 25, 2018
at 10am - 2pm


Melbourne Convention Centre
1 Convention Centre Pl
South Wharf, VIC 3000


AMWU · 03 9230 5700

David Lucantoni Cameron Brady Yossef Wahib Damian Emery Roy Armstrong John Burne Nam Pham Vikas Tandon Michael Rakatairi Stewart Anderson Errol D'silva Jennifer Cameron Slobodan Zdraveski Stuart Castree Christopher Brown Craig Douglas Hassan Yassine Rick Warden Marty O'Shea Robert Ballantyne Mario Pantalleresco Sagren Naicker Ross Kenna Jahangir Khan Adam Garner Tracey Davis Dean Fairchild

Who's RSVPing

David Lucantoni
Cameron Brady
Yossef Wahib
Damian Emery
Roy Armstrong
John Burne
Nam Pham
Vikas Tandon
Michael Rakatairi
Stewart Anderson
Errol D'silva
Jennifer Cameron
Slobodan Zdraveski
Stuart Castree
Christopher Brown
Craig Douglas
Hassan Yassine
Rick Warden
Marty O'Shea
Robert Ballantyne
Mario Pantalleresco
Sagren Naicker
Ross Kenna
Jahangir Khan
Adam Garner
Tracey Davis
Dean Fairchild

Will you come?


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Please RSVP: All Unions Delegates Mass Meeting: Change the Rules
Please RSVP: All Unions Delegates Mass Meeting: Change the Rules

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