Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Stop the China FTA - Melbourne Rally


Come join unionists and activists at a rally to STOP THE CHINA Free Trade Agreement!

AUGUST 28 @ 12 NOON - Melbourne. Location: Parliament House steps -Spring St. 

Just last month, Tony Abbott signed a free trade deal with China that was negotiated in secret and, surprise surprise, it's not a good deal for workers. While Tony's business mates might have been a part of the negotiations, ordinary working people like us, were not.

Join our campaign to support workers and workplace rights by telling Tony Abbott to tear up the China Free Trade Agreement.

Our fight is not with foreign workers, it is with the Abbott Government and their business mates who benefit from this deal at the expense of workers.

This trade agreement that has been negotiated behind closed doors will allow:

  • Chinese companies to bring in an entire workforce from overseas for projects worth over $150 million with as little as a 15% stake in that project and without even advertising for local workers first.
  • It could cost as many as 158,000 local jobs because of cheap Chinese imports that are unfairly subsidised and do not meet Australian standards. Half of Australian businesses surveyed say the deal will hurt them and only 11% say it will help.
  • The agreement will allow Chinese companies to sue Australian governments that pass laws which affect their profits. This is how Phillip Morris has been able to sue us for plain cigarette packaging laws that are saving lives.
  • This trade deal has no commitments to respect workers’ rights. 

We need to stop the China FTA from stripping down our hard fought for rights, safety, standards and conditions.

And if you haven't done so already, email your local MP to stop the China FTA. We need to do all we can to fight this. 


August 28, 2015
at 12pm - 1pm


Parliament House Steps, Spring Street, Melbourne.
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Tapan Amin Karen Douglas Gerry Mc Crudden Eamonn Wolfe Sean Williams Jennifer Cameron Gerard Brown John Marchione Hasib Hashim Gerard Hogan Toli Kowaliw Leon White Louise Dressing Cinders O'Rantyrantrant Andrew Sheerin Shane Haining Shirley Winton Corka Braybo

Who's RSVPing

Tapan Amin
Karen Douglas
Gerry Mc Crudden
Eamonn Wolfe
Sean Williams
Jennifer Cameron
Gerard Brown
John Marchione
Hasib Hashim
Gerard Hogan
Toli Kowaliw
Leon White
Louise Dressing
Cinders O'Rantyrantrant
Andrew Sheerin
Shane Haining
Shirley Winton
Corka Braybo

Will you come?


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