The AMWU will be launching an exciting industry-wide bargaining campaign for the Victorian Metal Industry in 2017.
Campaign 2017 will leverage our collective strength around the state to achieve gains for members in the workplace, to secure local jobs on Victorian Government procurement projects, and stop any attacks on workers’ rights, wages or conditions.
Many Metals workplaces have existing AMWU agreements that have won industry-high wages and conditions after years of solidarity through collective bargaining, while other workplaces are just starting out on this journey.
Campaign 2017 aims to unite AMWU members across all Metals workplaces to achieve industry-wide improvements to job security, skills and training, wages and conditions, local content on procurement projects for job creation, and protections for elected union representatives.
Metals delegates and elected union representatives will shortly be receiving a survey regarding existing agreements and campaign priorities, before a round of meetings to be held early in the New Year with delegates and members to develop and endorse the Campaign 2017 Log of Claims.
Craig Kelly, AMWU Assistant Secretary called on metals delegates to get involved in the campaign and have their say.
“It’s vital that members in the Metal Industry participate in Campaign 2017 – it is your chance to shape our industry-wide bargaining campaign and to build on the AMWU’s hard-won gains on wages, conditions, and local content,” said Mr Kelly.