All the latest WA AMWU news in the December'16/January '17 issue of Manufacturing Matters. Click below to download.
- AMWU partners with MATES in Construction to expand effective mental health services through construction sector
- Our Plan for WA Jobs - Our union's plan to diversify our economy and boost employment in Western Australia
- Union calls for local labour first on Kwinana lithium project
- From Collie to Canberra - Griffin Coal fight goes national as we lobby key Federal politicians
- Rail petition - Thousands sign up to fight for local content in our rail industry
- Stop work at Submarine Corps - The Liberal government is trying to take key industrial rights from our members
- New life member - Our union congratulates Bill Ridley on more than 60 years' as an active trade unionist
- And more! Click here to download (1.6 MB).
If you want printed copies for your workplace, just email WA Media Officer Tom Palmer at [email protected] or call 9223 0800.