Royce Cusick is AMWU delegate from BSR Amberely. His story is about the how the skills and training he received at an AMWU delegate course helped him in real life and how he was able to pass this training along to others.
"A few years ago as an inexperienced delegate, I attended a delegate course with Doug Loggie. During the course, Doug enlisted the help of some of the other organisers, one of whom was Steve Franklin. During an exercise for discussions with management, Steve played the role of the manager. He acted aggressive, dismissive and uncooperative, goading me into more emotional argument than a rational debate.
I learned a valuable lesson from this experience and found it useful during a Health and Safety Representative's course I attended with fellow Health and Safety Representatives. I employed the same tactics as Steve in a similar role play exercise where I was acting as management. The 3 representatives opposite (2 were AMWU members) very effectively learned the same lesson and after a few Health and Safety Committee meetings understood that I (and Steve before me) was not as over the top as they thought."
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