The AMWU is urging members passionate about keeping penalty rates to help the ACTU's case against the Turnbull Government’s effort to strip them back at weekends. CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD
The Fair Work Commission will decide soon whether to protect penalty rates after hearing arguments by employers to cut back Saturday and Sunday penalties for workers in hospitality, retail and entertainment.
The Government has submitted its Productivity Commission report to convince the Commissioners to slash penalty rates.
You can support your friends and family working in those industries by making a brief submission to the Fair Work Commissioners, by February 17 close of business.
AMWU awards are not directly under attack yet, but if the employers are successful in this case it’s only a matter of time before our penalty and overtime rates are threatened.
“Personal stories are very powerful and the Commissioners want to hear from you,” AMWU National Secretary Paul Bastian said.