Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Funeral Benefit

The AMWU established a funeral benefit to cover all eligible financial members and their immediate family. The policy provides worldwide protection with a benefit of up to $5,000.

In the event that there is an injury or sickness that results in death, the benefit pays costs associated with:

  • Funeral and/or cremation expenses
  • Repatriating the insured person’s body or ashes to their country of residence following their death.

Who is eligible?

You must be a financial member (paid current dues in full) of the AMWU to be eligible. You must have been a financial member at the time of death as well as the time of claim.

This benefit does not apply to retired members or life members.

Is my family covered?

Yes. Immediate family includes a member's spouse (including de facto) and any immediate dependants* of the eligible financial member. This includes stepchildren and legally adopted children.

*Immediate dependant is defined as the eligible financial member's unmarried/non-de-facto dependent children who are under 19 years of age and living with the eligible financial member; or who are under 25 years of age and are full time students at an accredited institution of higher learning and are primarily dependent upon the eligible financial member for maintenance and support.


This benefit is:

  • Not payable to otherwise eligible members or their immediate family as defined above over the age of 70 years.
  • Not available in circumstances where injury or death arises from suicide or attempted suicide
  • Not available where alcohol and/or drugs (other than a drug taken or administered by, or in accordance with the advice of a legally qualified medical practitioner) were a contributing factor or where there are more alcohol or drugs involved than the law permits.

Making a claim

This insurance is offered through CoverForce. For questions, advice or to make a claim, you can contact CoverForce directly on 1300 503 503.




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