CUB and Unions craft a better brew
Wednesday 7 December 2016
The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) and Electrical Trade Union of Australia (ETU) announced today that they have reached agreement to immediately end the dispute with the maintenance workforce at the Abbotsford brewery in Melbourne, Victoria.
As part of the agreement, all picketing workers have been invited to return to work at their previous positions at the Abbotsford brewery on fair and decent union terms and conditions, which provide job security to the workers. All parties agreed to productivity and efficiency improvements that will be implemented at the brewery.
CUB and the Unions have mapped out a better approach based on mutual respect, productivity and a shared passion to make the best beers with the best skilled workers.
The ETU and AMWU have called for an immediate end of the ongoing boycott and are encouraging their supporters to return to drinking the full range of CUB beers and ciders.
All parties are pleased to resolve this dispute and to refocus their attention on working together to brew the best beers in Victoria.
Media Contact: Gillian Strong – 0425 762 493