This one will be big! Join us as we march through the centre of Melbourne in support of the #CUB55.
Rally details:
11am Thursday 8 September
Meeting point: AFL House, 140 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands. (see map)
Marching to: Parliament House, Spring St.
RSVP below & share on Facebook
The 55 loyal and highly-skilled maintenance workers were sacked and offered their jobs back at up to 65% less pay. CUB's maintenance contractor Programmed has walked away from this mess but CUB's next move remains unclear.
It's time for us to make some noise and tell them that Australia expects them to do the right thing and reemploy these workers at full wages and conditions.
We'll be meeting outside AFL House in Docklands at 11am, then marching up Bourke Street to Parliament House in Spring Street.
Don't forget to share the event on Facebook as well, and invite your friends, family and colleagues! Click here to share.
You can also download a PDF of the rally poster here to print or share around online.
Other ways you can help the #CUB55:
Hold a CUB-free Grand Final Day BBQ. Register here:
Boycott CUB products. Full list here: