Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Bullying & Harassment

Bullying & Harassment

The AMWU believes that no one should be bullied or harassed at work.

It is against the law for anyone to harass, sexually harass or bully another person in the workplace. If you believe you have been harassed or bullied please contact your AMWU delegate or organiser immediately.

What is Bullying?

Under the Fair Work Act, bullying is defined as repeated unreasonable behaviour that causes a risk to health and safety.

What is Harassment?

Workplace harassment is when someone repeatedly does or says something to you that:

  • is unwelcome and is not invited
  • offends, intimidates, humiliates or threatens you
  • would offend, intimidate, humiliate or threaten most people if it happened to them

What is Sexual Harassment?

The Anti-Discrimination Act defines sexual harassment as any:

  • unwelcome physical touching
  • sexual or suggestive comments, jokes or taunts
  • unwelcome requests for sex
  • the display of sexual material (e.g. photos or pictures)
  • sexual reading matter (e.g. emails, faxes or letters)

What should I do if I am being bullied or harassed?

If you believe you are being bullied or harassed you should:

  • Ask the person to stop
  • Check your workplace bullying and harassment policy
  • Follow the steps in your policy to report it and make a complaint, if there is no policy ask human resources to develop a policy
  • If you are unsure of the process or what to do at any stage, contact the AMWU immediately

What are my rights if I am being bullied or harassed?

There are a number of avenues available to address bullying and harassment in the workplace. Employees and unions can seek orders from the Fair Work Commission for bullying to cease. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland can investigate workplace harassment and the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal can accept and conciliate complaints about discrimination and sexual harassment.

What support can the union provide me?

The AMWU has legal and industrial experts that can provide you with advice and support if you are being bullied or harassed. On top of this the AMWU provides a counselling service for members and their families, AMWU Care.

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