Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here

Mike Baird is about to send a $2.3 billion train building contract to Korea.

That means 512 train carriages will be built offshore, robbing Australian workers of jobs.

Sign the petition to tell Mr Baird to build the trains here, and invest in local manufacturing jobs. 

Who's signing

Ian Watt
mark fisher
John Francis
Adam Tyler
Ross Chandler
Lloyd Pumpa
john janowski
Kim Berry
Lyn Tyrrell
Raymond Banfield
Roger Bowen
Jenny Ilasi
James Carroll
Kim Nightingale
Nick Ernest
Jacqueline Anderson
louise howard
Anthony Thom
Roy Allen
Keil Murphy
Nola Sprake
Stephen Macdonald
Stephenie Murton

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Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here
Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here
Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here
Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here
Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here
Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here
Sign the petition: Tell Baird to Build the Trains Here

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