Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


China FTA Forums

China FTA Forums

You are invited to a series of debates on the China Free Trade Agreement.

"Will the China FTA be good for local jobs?"

Independent Moderator | 15 mins each

5 mins to reply | Questions from the floor

For all event details and to RSVP, go to:

Debates will run from October 26-29 in Victoria, in Geelong, Ringwood, Frankston and Berwick.

 The Turnbull Liberal Government is intent on forcing the China FTA through the Senate before Christmas.

Australian Unions believe the China FTA will:

  • be BAD for local jobs
  • be BAD for workplace safety
  • be BAD for local communities
  • undercut local rates of pay
  • exploit overseas workers.

Unsure if you've got all the facts on the CHAFTA? Want to know more?

Come hear both sides and decide for yourself!

For all event details and to RSVP, go to:

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