The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union has laid the breakdown of the Browse project squarely at the feet of failed Premier Colin Barnett and his dysfunctional WA Liberal government.
WA AMWU State Secretary Steve McCartney said Colin Barnett’s legacy as Premier was now irreparably tarnished as WA’s economy grinds to a halt.
“Premier Colin Barnett came into the job and staked his reputation on bringing big projects and capital investment into Western Australia. Yet today we see the State waving goodbye to yet another project under his watch,” Mr McCartney said.
“The Browse project now rivals Oakajee as the biggest project the failed Premier Colin Barnett has lost for this State.”
“This disaster is the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of a Premier who just spent the proceeds of an economic boom, yet did more than anyone else to kill it off by failing to invest in economic infrastructure and losing job-creating projects.”
“Over the last year WA has consistently had more people out of work than ever before and Colin Barnett still has no plan at all.”
“Our members don’t have the luxury of retiring to a hobby farm in Toodyay on a huge pension like Colin Barnett. They are wondering where the jobs are coming from for them and for their kids. They aren’t going to find them at Elizabeth Quay.”
“The WA government has also severely let down the local Kimberley communities who were promised so much from this project. Their hopes for jobs and sustainable economic development have now been ripped away too.”