Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Reinstate the CUB 55


Reinstate the CUB 55! 

To Ari Mervis, Managing Director, SABMiller Asia Pacific and Chief Executive Officer of CUB:

I am outraged that 55 CUB workers have been sacked, and then offered their jobs back but for 35% of their pay. Reinstate these workers with their proper terms and conditions. Until then I won't drink your products. 

Who's signing

wayne james
Rodney Porter
Robert Tyler
kevin ward
Leonie Scoffern
Kyron Tunstall
Andrew Blakeley
Stephen Webster
Keith Holman
Barry Wallace
Glenn May
Geoffrey Evans
Alasdair Macleod
Neil Rigby
Nathan Di Prima
Benjamnin Matthews
phil brown
greg dittman
Neil Smith
wayne meehan
Bernhard Lack
Gary Evers
Noel Buchanan
Chris Rhodes
Cameron O'rourke-Casey

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Sign the petition: Reinstate the CUB 55
Sign the petition: Reinstate the CUB 55
Sign the petition: Reinstate the CUB 55
Sign the petition: Reinstate the CUB 55
Sign the petition: Reinstate the CUB 55

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