Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Sydney May Day 2017


On May Day, thousands of unionists and their families will march through the streets of Sydney to celebrate the strength and diversity of the Australian union movement.

The march will be followed by a family-friendly picnic with rides, food and free entertainment.

We hope you and your family can join us.


May 07, 2017
at 6:12pm - 9:12pm


Hyde Park North

Mengchen Yu Patrick Li Sean Moore Donald Sutherland Kolona Farkas Daniel White Alan Mansfield Shelly Frances Kershaw Chris Mooney Monica Santos Sal Chandra Shelly Frances Kershaw Marian Dzurik Sal Chandra Glenn Wilcox Cherie O'Brien Christopher Mooney Hien Nguyen Paul McDonald Tom Addy Vanessa Seagrove Trevor Hendy Terri Anne Jerome N Pirozzi Raymund Shortill Phillip Campbell Peter Brennan John Bellingham Senator Tim Ayres Chloe Rachel Anderson Smith Belinda Griggs Jacqueline Carovska Gabriel Miller Bill Simmons Tamsin Lloyd Hannah Smith Joe Baldonado Georgia Kriz Harry Gregg Costa Tsalis

Who's RSVPing

Mengchen Yu
Patrick Li
Sean Moore
Donald Sutherland
Kolona Farkas
Daniel White
Alan Mansfield
Shelly Frances Kershaw
Chris Mooney
Monica Santos
Sal Chandra
Shelly Frances Kershaw
Marian Dzurik
Sal Chandra
Glenn Wilcox
Cherie O'Brien
Christopher Mooney
Hien Nguyen
Paul McDonald
Tom Addy
Vanessa Seagrove
Trevor Hendy
Terri Anne
Jerome N Pirozzi
Raymund Shortill
Phillip Campbell
Peter Brennan
John Bellingham
Senator Tim Ayres
Chloe Rachel Anderson Smith

Will you come?


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