Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Technical and Administrative Workers

Are you feeling frustrated at work?

From talking to lots of technical workers around Australia, we know that many are feeling concerned about their work, and have a lot of questions.

Others are concerned about their unique and important skills being devalued or not respected in the workplace. 

Many aren't sure who they can ask for unbiased help and information. 


From doing surveys and talking to workers, we know that many feel like they deserve a better and fairer deal at work - improved work-life balance, less unpaid overtime, and more respect in the workplace.

We've learnt that know most professionals: 

  • Aren't confident of what their rights at work are
  • Aren't sure what their entitlements are, in terms of things like overtime pay or sick leave
  • Feel they deserve a better work-lift balance 
  • Often get frustrated with repetitive work - with no opportunity to do different things
  • Feel like they deserve more respect and recognition of their skills 

That's where the Union can help. 

As a member of the AMWU - the Union for Technical and Associated Employees, we can provide you with the information that you need to get a fair deal at work and to know your rights. 

You can speak to us confidentially over the phone, contact us through this website or even in person if that's what you'd prefer.

We can meet you at your workplace or we can meet you somewhere else - it's up to you. 


This website is your first step to getting a better deal. 

You can JOIN the Union securely online, whenever you're ready - on your phone, tablet or computer. 

You can SIGN UP to learn more about what the Union can do to help you out at work.

You can READ MORE about some of your rights at work and what you might be entitled to. 

You can find out MEMBER BENEFITS of joining the Union. 

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